
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Wild Thing Description

Hello blogging world,

For literacy we have been reading the book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

As part of our writing we wrote descriptions about a wild thing and. Our teacher Miss Percy showed me and my class a few pictures and choose one that we had to describe.

Image result for where the wild things are images
Where The Wild Things Are - Written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak

Here is my writing.

The wild thing’s has yellow eye’s that glows in the dark. It has the sharpest claws out of the wild things that are sharper than his horns and his hair looks like a lion’s mane that is bushy like a foxes tail. He is unique cause he is a gigantic wild thing that has a razor-sharp beak they called him shadow blade. He is the emperor of all wild things.

Friday, August 3, 2018

My emoji writing

Kia orana blogging world,
On Monday last week we wrote some stories of what we did  in the holidays so and we had to use emojis. Here is my emoji writing I did on Monday.

In the holidays I was at🏠and I slept at house and also I had to do the chores at home and do what my mum says and tells me to do. I had to clean the horrible floors with the mop and do the dishes
with the soapy wet sponge in my soggy 🙌🏻. I felt tired and 😥 from all that hard work and jobs I had to do and I  🤔 to myself and. Said just another busy day for me after I cleaned up I went and have a 😌for a while and while I was resting my 👭 had to do her chores so I was cool because I wasn’t the only one doing all the work and jobs.

Can you try and read my writing?